職種別英文履歴書 サンプル集リストへ戻る>>

IT エンジニア/システムアナリスト

Taro Daijob

Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0023 / 090-XXXX-XXXX / taro@daijob.com

Systems Analyst / Project Lead


  • 10 years' experience in the development of various financial systems, databases and networks in multi-system/application environment.
  • Experienced in system requirement analysis and system design that significantly improves the efficiency of business process, with strong foundation in structured analysis and design methodologies.
  • Track record in leading development teams; team player with innovative problem-solving skills.
  • Good command of English (STEP2nd Grade)

Technical Expertise:

Hardware: PC, Macintosh, WorkStation (Sun, HP, IBM), IBM Mainframe
OS: UNIX (Solaris, HP-UX, AIX), Windows NT/2000/XP, Linux, Novell Netware, DOS, MVS, VM, VMS
Languages: JAVA(ERB), JAVAScript, C, C++, C#(.NET), Visual Basic, Perl, SmallTalk, COBOL II, PLI, FORTLAN, Pascal, Prolog, Assembler, HTML, CGI, Motif, IMS/DC, CICS
Databases: Oracle, SQL, Sybase, Informix, DB/2, IMS/DB
Certified Information Technology Engineer (Class I, II and Special), JIPDEC
Certifications: Certified Systems Auditor, JIPDEC
CISA (Certified Information System Auditor), ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association)
Certified Digital Type I Installation
Certified Micro-Computer General-Purpose Engineer


WORLD SOFTWARE SERVICES CO., LTD., Tokyo 1999 to present

Systems Analyst / Senior Software Developer

  • Plan and design various financial systems, including cash management and settlement systems for banks and other financial institutions; participated in entire development life cycle.
  • Perform business and technical analysis; analyze current business procedures and requirements, and prepare system specifications.
  • Evaluate new technologies and incorporate them into proposals and designs.
  • Manage day-to-day development processes, including testing and implementation, and ensure quality and timely delivery. Led development teams of up to 15.

Key Projects

  • Multi-currency Cash Management system for global yen settlements for Best Investment Bank.
    (Unix, PERL, Sybase, C/C++, VB)
  • Settlement system for ABC Bank (UNIX, Windows, Motif, C, C++)
  • Network system for ABC Bank, which is the infrastructure of the banking system. (UNIX, Windows, C, C++)
  • Settlement system for XYZ bank, which covers the entire nation with 24-hour operation. The network links 3,000 branches via satellite. (UNIX, Windows, Motif, C, C++)
  • Credit card settlement system that links credit card companies with POS and GAT terminals to perform credit checks and settlements for a credit card security company. (UNIX, Windows, Motif, C, C++)

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Mamoru Yasui Page2

  090-XXXX-XXXX / taro@daijob.com


Software division of Best Computer, Inc.
Software Developer / Team Leader

  • Developed various financial systems for brokerage firms and insurance companies.
  • Defined system requirements and developed basic designs.
  • Led development teams of up to 8.

Key Projects

  • Integrated asset management system for institutional investors for an insurance company. Linked GUI on UNIX workstations (TCP/IP) to RDB on IBM mainframe (SNA). Led a workstation group of 6.
    (MVS/XA, UNIX, AIX, PL/I, C, CICS, DB2, Motif)
  • Bond and securities management system for a brokerage firm. Led a design team of 8.
    (MVS/XA, COBOL, Assembler, IMS/DB, IMS/DC)
  • Account control system on IBM3090 for a brokerage firm. Led a subsystem group of 5.
    (MVS/XA, COBOL, Assembler, IMS/DB, IMS/DC)


Software Engineer

  • Developed asset management and distribution systems.
  • Led a development team of 5.


BS in Information Technology, Best University, Tokyo, 1993