Global Career Guide
Chairing a meeting is not always the job of the upper-management. In the modern meeting room, anyone can set up and chair a meeting and, as competent speakers of English, we need to be prepared to handle this role effectively.
The first thing that we need to do is to welcome everyone to the meeting and to set the agenda for discussion. This is an important stage as it gets everyone focused on the issue at hand:
Thank you for coming today.本日はお集まりいただきまして誠にありがとうございます。 |
Let’s get down to business. では、本題に入らせて頂きます。 |
In today’s meeting / session, we are going to talk about…本日の会議 / 議会で、私達が話し合うのは… |
Today we are going to discuss…本日私達が話し合うのは… |
The key role of a chairperson is not to actively participate in the meeting itself, but to make sure that everyone gets a chance to speak. Asking each member of the meeting for their opinion or thoughts is the best way to achieve this:
What are your opinions on…? …についてどのような意見をお持ちですか? |
How would you deal with…?…にどのように対処なさいますか? |
What are your thoughts on…?…についてどのように思われますか? |
In western meetings, it is expected that the participants will interrupt and voice their thoughts when someone else is talking, however the interruption could hinder the flow of the meeting or send it off on a tangent; the chairperson must be ready to deal with them and keep the meeting on track:
Could you let (Simon) finish? (サイモン氏)の話を最後まで聞いていただけませんか? |
Just hold that thought for a moment, please.その意見は、ほんの少し待っていただけませんか? |
I don’t think that’s relevant to this discussion.この話し合いに関連性がないと思われます。 |
Let’s get back on topic,…議題に戻りましょう,… |
We should keep on track with… …の本題に沿うべきです。 |
That’s a good point but we can deal with that later.それは良い指摘ですが、その件については後ほど話し合いましょう。 |
We will come to that later.その件については後ほど話し合いましょう。 |
An important technique to master when taking part in a western-style meeting is to be ready to expand on your idea. Simply stating your opinion is not enough, we need to be prepared to back it up with a reason and evidence. It is the chairperson’s responsibility to make sure this happens by encouraging expansion:
That’s an interesting idea. Could you tell us more about that?それは面白いアイデアですね。もう少しお聞かせ頂けませんか? |
Can you / we expand on that a little?それについてもう少し話し合うことは可能ですか? |
Could you give us an example of what you mean by that?何か例を挙げてその件について説明して頂けますか? |
We need to make sure that at the end of the meeting, everything is properly summarised, wrapped up and that everyone is clear on what will happen next:
Let’s finish there for today.今日はそこまでで終了と致しましょう。 |
We will have to leave it there for today.今日はそこで終了と致しましょう。 |
We talked about… 私達が話したのは… |
We discussed… 私達が話し合ったのは… |
We decided that… 私達が決定したのは… |
The next stage is to… 次の段階では… |
From now we need to… 現時点で私達に必要なのは… |
これらの慣用句を会話例文で見てみましょう。ABC企業の人事部マネージャーKenjiは人事部チームの3名Maiko, Daisuke, Janetとの会議の議長を務めることになりました。
Let’s examine these phrases in a sample conversation. Kenji Shimizu, Human Resources Manager of ABC Corporation, is chairing a meeting between three members of the HR team: Maiko Kashiwabara, Daisuke Umeda and Janet Stone.
Kenji: Okay, let’s get down to business. Thank you all for coming today. In today’s meeting, we are going to discuss the recent issue of high staff turnover. Many members of the sales team have quit because they claim they are not being paid fair commission. Janet, what are your thoughts on this?
Janet: I think this is a big problem. We are underpaying our sales team because we were told to cut costs…
Maiko: Let me just interrupt, we told the sales team about this months ago. If they can’t accept it, they should just leave.
Kenji: Sorry, Maiko. Could you let Janet finish?
Janet: As I was saying, we need to re-evaluate the payment structure.
Kenji: Okay. Daisuke, how would you deal with this?
Daisuke: Well, I think a new incentive plan needs to be created.
Kenji: That’s an interesting idea. Could you expand on that?
Daisuke: Well, how about offering them company benefits, such as free gym membership or paid transportation, instead of a financial reward?
Janet: I don’t think they will accept that. I can think of a few members of the team who complain about not getting enough in their pay packet each month. I remember when one guy threatened to sue the company if he didn’t get what he was owed.
Kenji: I don’t think that’s relevant to this discussion, Janet.
(30 minutes later) 30分後
Kenji: Let’s finish there for today. We decided that the best way to incentivise the sales team is to create a new benefits scheme. The next stage is to work on an action plan. Maiko, can you handle that?
Maiko: Of course…
In my next blog, I will talk about how to apologize.
ロゼッタストーンラーニングセンター COO
Noel Bradshawは、経営コンサルティング会社アクセンチュアのロンドン支店にて経営コンサルタントとしてのキャリアを積んだ後、2年間JETプログラムに参加。現在はロゼッタストーンラーニングセンターでCOOに就任し、運営全般の指揮を執る。
Noel Bradshaw is the COO of Rosetta Stone Learning Center and started his career at management consulting firm Accenture. He came to Japan with the JET programme before joining Rosetta Stone Learning Center and has been with the company for 8 years.
If you want to make real progress with your language skills, then Rosetta Stone Learning Center is for you. Rosetta Stone Learning Center integrates the World’s number 1 language learning software Rosetta Stone(R) together with high quality one-to-one in-school lessons to accelerate students towards their language goals. RSLC has 8 school locations in Tokyo and Osaka, easy lesson-scheduling, online 24/7 access to self-study resources and a variety of study options that makes it an ideal, flexible option for busy people. Let Rosetta Stone Learning Center support you through your next career move.