Job Search
Company Name |
TransPerfect Inc., |
Job Type |
Other Job Type - New Graduate & Entry Level
Education/Training/Language Specialist - Localization |
Industry | IT - Other |
Location |
Job Description |
The Localization Quality Assurance Tester is responsible for ensuring the accuracy and linguistic quality of localized content by performing manual testing across various gaming platforms. In this role, you will work as part of a game testing team to identify and fix issues affecting the localization of the game by making text changes, writing detailed bug reports, performing regression testing, etc. Responsibilities: - Testing video games to identify and isolate localization issues impacting the overall gaming user experience. - Updating text files with all the necessary information to fix grammar or spelling mistakes, consistency issues, mistranslations, and several other types of linguistic problems. - Follow and complete Test Cases and/or Checklists to perform targeted testing and execute relevant testing processes and procedures. - Reporting and verifying issues found during testing using different databases. - Writing bug descriptions following company standards and client specifications. - Working as part of a team, communicating, sharing knowledge and further testing information through provided shared chat channels. - Complete all other tasks that are deemed appropriate for the role and assigned under the project. Essential: - Excellent spelling and grammar in own native (testing) language, Japanese. - Passion for the video games industry. - Good command of the English language (instructions, testing documentation, team communications will all be in English) - Excellent attention to detail, “Can do” attitude, as well as great work ethics. - Ability to multitask, prioritize and work well under pressure. - Basic knowledge of Microsoft office suite. - Understanding of digital technologies (mobile, tablets, browser tools, etc.). Desired: - Experience with software localization or quality assurance - Familiarity with different testing methodologies. - Experience with game localization. - Familiarity with bug tracking databases (e.g.: JIRA, Mantis, etc.) or CAT tools (e.g., SDL Trados, MemoQ, etc.). Education: - A high school diploma or equivalent is required. A degree in computer science, game design, or a related field is a plus, but not required. |
Company Info |
国際色豊かなスタッフが切磋琢磨しながらアクティブに働いています。先輩やマネジャーにも気兼ねなく何でも聞けるアットホームな環境です。 ☆基本的な採用プロセス - 2~3週間☆ リクルーター電話面接1回(日本語もしくは英語) マネジャー電話面接1回(英語) 最終オンサイト面接1回(英語) ※場合によって、面接やテストが追加になる場合もございます。 【その他】 - オフィス内完全禁煙 |
Working Hours | 月~金 9:00-18:00 労働8時間+休憩1時間 |
Job Requirements |
【必須条件】 • 日本語ネイティブの方 • ゲームが好きで日常的にプレイしている方 • オフィス勤務が可能な方 【歓迎条件】 • ゲーム業界での経験 【求める人物像】 • コミュニケーション能力が高い方 • チームでうまく機能できる方 • 時間管理やマルチタスクが得意な方 • 物事を細部まできちんとオーガナイズする力 |
English Level | Daily Conversation Level (TOEIC 475-730) |
Japanese Level | Native Level |
Salary | JPY - Japanese Yen JPY 2500K - JPY 3000K |
Other Salary Description |
スタート日:2025年1月中旬 月給:266,667円(月40時間のみなし残業込み) 契約期間:6ヶ月(状況により延長あり) 勤務時間:月~金 9:00-18:00 労働8時間+休憩1時間(土日祝休み) 交通費支給(月額上限3万円)、社会保険完備、月ごとに有休1日あり 勤務地:トランスパーフェクト西新宿オフィス |
Holidays | 週休2日制(土日祝日)、有給休暇(月1日) |
Job Contract Period |
契約期間:6ヶ月(状況により延長あり) |
Nearest Station |
東京メトロ丸の内線「西新宿」から徒歩6分 都営大江戸線「西新宿5丁目」「都庁前」から徒歩6分 |